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4. Node config

In Node configuration, we have Variables and Config.


We can add or change existing variables for the node.

Variable fields:

  • Required - makes the variable required, and the node cannot be executed if the variable is empty.
  • Main key - if the variable is the main key, then these variable's values should have the next node's number.
  • Name - is the name of the variable. It can be changed to any other name.
  • Title - the title of the component.
  • Default value - we can set a default value for the variable.
  • Validations - it can have any validations. For example, we can add validation for email or digits and letters.

At least one variable should be the Main key.


A Config is a free object that we can use to store arbitrary data anytime we need to.

These key:value pairs are need-based.
