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Build an Order Refund flow

In this tutorial, you'll learn to make an Order Refund flow using templates. By the end, you'll have a complete flow and a better grasp of how to create them. Let's get started!

What does this flow do?

The Order Refund flow provides a straightforward way to issue full refunds for Shopify orders. Within the template, we extract order details from Shopify and verify if specific tags, such as "kodif_refund," "promo_swap_refund," and "retro_promo_refund," are associated with the order. If any of these tags are present, the template displays a message indicating that the order has already been refunded. However, if no tags are found, the template proceeds to process a full refund in Shopify, applies the "kodif_refund" tag to the order, and presents a suitable suggested macro template.

Create your flow

  1. Log in to you Kodif Dashoboard account and go to the flows page.
  2. Click Create New Flow
  3. In this tutorial we will use Order Refund template - click on Use Template under Order Refund template card
  4. Flow from template is created.

To make the flow work you need to get the Shopify access token.

Once you get the token, you need to change requests in the flow. Open Get shopify order info, Get order transactions, Refund action, and Apply tag nodes and change the request's Shopify URL and token.


Follow this link to get more information about how to edit and save Decision nodes.

Now, after changing the Shopify requests our flow is ready to use. Go to the Demo view button to see how the flow works.

Click here to see how to view the Demo.